Prodeus old world ledge stone
Prodeus old world ledge stone

If you saw her you would think it was Thetis perhaps, or Galateia, or Earthshaker's bedfellow, or Aphrodite seated on Triton's neck. High above the sea, the girl throbbing with fear navigated on bullback, unmoving, unwetted.

prodeus old world ledge stone

And while he lifted her, at his side the sea-faring bull curved his neck downwards, spread under the girl to mount, sinking sideways on his knees, and stretching his back submissive, he raised up Europa then the bull pressed on, and his floating hoof furrowed the water of the trodden brine noiselessly with forbearing footsteps. § 1.46 Once on the Sidonian beach Zeus as a high-horned bull imitated an amorous bellow with his changeling throat, and felt a charming thrill little Eros heaved up a woman, with his two arms encircling her middle. If he become a quivering tree and tune a counterfeit whispering, I will tell of Icarios, how in the jubilant winepress his feet crushed the grape in rivalry. If he be mimic water, I will sing Dionysos diving into the bosom of the brine, when Lycurgos armed himself. If he make his figure like the shape of a boar, I will sing Thyone's son, love-sick for Aura the desirable, boarslayer, daughter of Cybele, mother of the third Bacchos late-born. If as a leopard he shoot up into the air with a stormy leap from his pads, changing shape like a master-craftsman, I will hymn the son of Zeus, how he slew the Indian nation, with his team of pards riding down the elephants. If as a lion he shake his bristling mane, I will cry "Euoi!" to Bacchos on the arm of buxom Rheia, stealthily draining the breast of the lionbreeding goddess. For if, as a serpent, he should glide along his winding trail, I will sing my god's achievement, how with ivy-wreathed wand he destroyed the horrid hosts of Giants serpent-haired.

prodeus old world ledge stone

§ 1.11 Bring me the fennel, rattle the cymbals, ye Muses! put in my hand the wand of Dionysos whom I sing: but bring me a partner for your dance in the neighbouring island of Paros, Proteus of many turns, that he may appear in all his diversity of shapes, since I twang my harp to a diversity of songs.

Prodeus old world ledge stone